Favorite Chorus Em C Let it rain, let it rain G D Open the flood gates of heaven Verse C We feel the rains of your love Em We feel the winds of your spirit G Now the heartbeat of heaven D Let us hear Chorus Let it rain, let it rain Open the flood gates of heaven Verse We feel the rain of your love We feel the winds of your spirit Now the heartbeat of heaven Let us hear

Favorite Verse1 F Eb We’re here to bless your name Bb Dm C Gathered as your family F Eb To praise You and proclaim Bb Dm C Your faithfulness and mercy Chorus Am Dm We give you glory Am Dm We give you honor F Dm We give you everything we are Gm Lifting our hearts C F And hands before You (Lord) Verse2 F Eb We’re here to seek your face Bb Dm C To gather in your presence F Eb To celebrate your grace Bb Dm C To praise you for your mercies Bridge C Gm C There is no other reason why we came Gm C F Than to glorify Your name Bb F Gm F C For you are worthy to be praise Gm C Now we offer up our lives Gm C F As a willing sacrifice Bb F Gm F C Holy accept–able to…

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Favorite Verse1 F#m D A Up from the ashes, Your love has brought us E F#m Out of the darkness, into the light D A Lifting our sorrows, bearing our burdens E Healing our hearts Chorus F#m D To our God, we lift up one voice A To our God, we lift up one song E To our God, we lift up one voice E Singing Hallelujah Verse2 F#m D A Chains have been broken, eyes have been opened E F#m An army of dry bones is starting to rise D A Death is defeated, we are victorious E For You are alive Bridge F#m D A E We’ll make His praise glorious, glorious, glorious F#m D A E For His name is glorious, glorious, glorious F#m D A E Make His praise glorious, glorious, glorious F#m D A E Shout His name so glorious, glorious, glorious Verse1 Up from…

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Favorite Chorus1 D The enemy has been defeated E And death couldn’t hold You down D We’re gonna lift our voice in victory E We’re gonna make Your praises loud Chorus2 D Shout unto God with a voice of triumph E Shout unto God with a voice of praise D Shout unto God with a voice of triumph E We lift your name up, we lift Your name up Chorus1 The enemy has been defeated And death couldn’t hold You down We’re gonna lift our voice in victory We’re gonna make Your praises loud Chorus2 Shout unto God with a voice of triumph Shout unto God with a voice of praise Shout unto God with a voice of triumph We lift Your Name up We lift Your Name up library_musicAlbum – Look To You (2005)

Favorite Verse1 G Do you feel the world is broken? (We do) Em Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do) C But do you know that all the dark won’t stop G The light from getting through? (We do) Bm C G Do you wish that you could see it all made new? (We do) Verse2 G Is all creation groaning? (It is) Em Is a new creation coming? (It is) C Is the glory of the Lord to be G The light within our midst? (It is) Bm C G Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? (It is) Prechorus C D Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Em D C Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll? C D The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave Em D C He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom…

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Favorite Verse1 G I know you’re tired G I know you’re weak D And all of that fighting’s got you D Down on your knees A You’re desperate for change A Desperate to know Bm G There’s a light still alight Chorus D A Child lift up your eyes A For your help draws nigh Bm G Child lift up your eyes D It’ll be alright Em Bm A Every tear you’ve cried A Let the sunlight dry Bm G Every tear you’ve cried D It’ll be alright A If you still have breath in your lungs G If you still have breath in your lungs D You’re not done Verse2 G I’ll be your strength G I’ll be your song D I’ll be the solid rock D That you can stand on A I’m with you always A You’re never alone Bm G Cause I’m right by your side…

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Favorite Verse1 A 當天地一片黑暗 D F#m 祢話語照亮全世界 D 榮耀充滿全地 A 當世界沉默無語 D F#m 祢將旋律放在我心中 D 我要永遠讚美 Prechorus Bm 我心何等感動 A 祢離開天上榮耀 F#m E B 願居住 在我心 E 我深愛祢 Chorus A F#m 我要敬拜祢主 D E 祢恢復我生命 C#m 獻上我心 F#m 成為祢的聖所 Bm 唯有祢耶穌 E A 能得著我的心 Bridge D A D 祢是信實真神 榮耀君王 F#m E Bm 我一生尊崇祢 我的主 A G 祢觸摸我心 使我完全 E 我願降服於祢 Verse1 當天地一片黑暗 祢話語照亮全世界 榮耀充滿全地 當世界沉默無語 祢將旋律放在我心中 我要永遠讚美 Prechorus 我心何等感動 祢離開天上榮耀 願居住在我心 我深愛祢 Chorus 我要敬拜祢主 祢恢復我生命 獻上我心 成為祢的聖所 唯有祢耶穌 能得著我的心 Bridge 祢是信實真神 榮耀君王 我一生尊崇祢 我的主 祢觸摸我心 使我完全 我願降服於祢 For English lyrics and chords to Sanctuary – City Harvest Church.

Favorite Verse1 G C Em D 這世界太多 吵雜聲音 G C D 搖動我的平靜 G C Em D 有多少謊言 讓迷路的人 C D 走向恐懼 Verse2 G C Em D 是你的話語 照亮生命 G C D 不為黑暗左右 G C Em D 我是屬於你 水中經過 C D 火裡走 你救贖了我 Chorus G 平安是你 D Em 慌亂之中帶領我的心 C G 高山谷底 有你身影 Am 是你的愛 D 不離不棄 Verse3 G C Em Em 軟弱交給你 擔心交給你 G C D 我緊緊跟隨你 G C Em D 我的不確定 是不可替代的 C D 信心 在基督裡 Chorus2 G 平安是你 D Em 在風浪裡尋求你聲音 C G 你的真理 使黑暗退去 Am D 永恆的光 G 照亮所有 D Em 在前行中迷失的自由 G C G 為我受鞭傷 寶血為我流 Am 在風暴中 D 我敬拜你 Verse1 這世界太多 吵雜聲音 搖動我的平靜 有多少謊言 讓迷路的人 走向恐懼 Verse2 是你的話語 照亮生命 不為黑暗左右 我是屬於你 水中經過 火裡走 你救贖了我 Chorus1 平安是你 慌亂之中帶領我的心 高山谷底 有你身影 是你的愛 不離不棄 Verse3 軟弱交給你 擔心交給你 我緊緊跟隨你 我的不確定 是不可替代的 信心 在基督裡 Chorus2 平安是你 在風浪裡尋求你聲音 你的真理 使黑暗退去 永恆的光 照亮所有 在前行中迷失的自由 為我受鞭傷 寶血為我流 在風暴中 我敬拜你

Favorite Verse1 D There’s a song in my spirit There’s a joy in my soul G Bm Come what will, come what may A I’ll worship anyway D Oh, the devil can try it Try to quiet this song G Bm But I’ll sing out even louder A Than before Chorus D I’m gonna lift my voice and sing G I’m gonna give Him everything Bm G D I’m gonna shout until these walls come down D I see the light in Jesus’ Name G I’m gonna laugh my fears away Bm G D I’m gonna dance until these legs give out Bridge D The spirit of joy’s breaking out G We can feel it all around Bm G D How we walked in won’t be how we’re leaving D He is doing something new G And we know that He’s not through Bm G D It’s the Name of…

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Favorite Original in Ab. Play in G, capo 1. Verse1 G God was there at the beginning C His Spirit brooding like a dove Em Spoke the earth into existence D Formed creation that He loved G Man was born of perfect image C Made to be a friend of God Em Meant to dwell within His presence D Yeah it’s where we all belong Chorus1 C D Em Holy Spirit | | | | | G All we need is more of You D We want more of You Verse2 G When sin had spoiled creation C The creator sent a flood Em On the cusp of new beginning D He again released the dove G And after all the searching C It found a place to land Em On Christ the perfect Son who would D Redeem it all again G Looking for the branches C It landed…

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