Number of players: 3+
Time: 3mins+ per game (depending on players)
Ages: 7+
Materials: Pen and paper
Location: Indoor
Each round players are given 5 random words and each player has to construct a story that makes sense. Players are not given additional time to think and have to construct the story once they receive the words. The types of words should be jumbled up and can be repeated.
Reccomended type of words:
- Person
- Place
- Object
- Action
Sample words
- Cell group member’s name (Person) -> Train Station (Place) -> Waving (Action) -> Bread (Object) -> Shopping Mall (Place)
- Minimart (Place) -> Octopus (Object) -> Orange (Object) -> Cat (Object) -> Jogging (Action)
- Tissue Paper (Object) -> Carpark (Place) -> Doctor (Person) -> Pastor (Person) -> Kneeling (Action)