Number of players: 6+
Time: 1min+ per game (depending on players)
Ages: 12+
Materials: Players’ own item. If player does not have suitabile item, gamemaster should prepare tissue, paper, cushion, (things which are soft and can be dropped).
Location: Indoor
Each player prepares their own item (or given by the gamemaster as indicated in the materials above). Have two players face each other, holding their items are eye level. At the voice of the gamemaster, the game starts.
Both players are to drop their items and also catch the competing player’s item. The aim of the game is to have an item dropped on the ground first without the competing player catching it. If both players’ items fall reach the floor at the same time, they should have a rematch.
The player that loses is eliminated. Find the ultimate catcher (or the player with the fastest reaction)!