구구단을 외자 벌칙게임 (Multiplication Game) – Game (Korean)


Number of players: 5+
Time: 5mins+ per game (depending on players)
Ages: 7+
Materials: None
Location: Indoor/Outdoor

구구단을 외자 – 벌칙게임 (Gugu Da Nul Wee Ja – Bol Chik Game) or “Multiplication Game with Penalty” is a famous game featured on variety shows such as Running Man and Invincible Youth.

The game starts with 2 players.

  • The 1st player gives two numbers (between 1 to 10) and the 2nd player answers.
  • If the 2nd player answers correctly, he/she gives two other numbers to the 1st player.
  • This continues until either player gives a wrong answer.

The game can also be played in a group.

  • By Gamemaster: Players are given numbers by the gamemaster only and played in sequence. Players who get the answer wrong serves a penalty.
  • In Sequence: 1st player gives two numbers and the 2nd player answers. 2nd player gives two numbers to the 3rd player and so forth. Players who get the answer wrong are eliminated and one winner emerges.


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