Perfect Story – Game


Number of players: 5+
Time: 5mins+ per game (depending on players)
Ages: 7+
Location: Indoor

Gamemaster reads out a short summary of a story and players guess the title of it. The catch is that the short summary can be funny or reversed – details and examples explained below.

Group Variation

  1. Individual Game – All players guess at the same time. Player that gets the most number of correct guesses wins.
  2. Team Game – Players are split into 2-4 groups (depending on number of players). Team that gets the most number of correct guesses wins.

Short Summary suggestions

  1. Movie theme, men wielding laser swords fighting in a galaxy far far away (star wars)
  2. Fairy Tale theme, a pale looking princess who escapes the clutches of evil and  stumbles on 7 little men (snow white)
  3. Bible theme, a man who is found by the river and becomes the prince (story of Joseph)

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