A New Commandment – Hymn
Favorite Chorus C Am G A new commandment I give unto you C Am Dm G That you love one another, as I have love you C Am Dm G C That you love one another, as I have love you Verse1 F G Em Am By this shall all men know you are my disciples Dm G C If you have love one for another Verse2 F G Em Am You are my friends if you do what I command you Dm G C Without my help you can do nothing Verse3 F G Em Am I am the true vine, my Father is the gard’ner Dm G C Abide in me: I will be with you Verse4 F G Em Am True love is patient, nor arrogant nor boastful Dm G C Love bears all things, love is eternal Chorus A new commandment I give unto you That…
My Jesus I Love Thee – William Ralph
Favorite Verse1 F C Dm Am F G C My Je-sus I love thee, I know thou art mine Dm Am F G C For thee all the follies of sin I resign Am F G Am F G My gracious redeemer my Savior art thou Am F C F G C If ev-er I loved thee, my Je-sus ‘tis now Interlude C Dm Am F Verse2 F C Fm Am F G C I love thee because thou hast first loved me C Dm Am F G C And purchased my pardon on calvary’s tree Am F G Am F G I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow Am F C F G If ev–er I loved thee, my Je-sus ‘tis now Chorus F Am G Em I’ll love you in li-fe, I’ll love you in de-ath F Am With every beat of my heart G…
Jesus Paid It All – Hymn
Favorite Original in F# Intro C Am C G Verse1 G I hear the savior say D G Thy strength indeed is small Em C Child of weakness, watch and pray G D G Find in me thine all in all Chorus G Em Jesus paid it all G D All to Him I owe G C Sin had left a crimson stain G D G He washed it white as snow Verse2 G Lord, now indeed I find D G Thy power and thine alone Em C Can change the leper’s spots G D G And melt the heart of stone Verse3 G And when before the throne D G I stand in Him complete Em C Jesus died my soul to save G D G My lips shall still repeat Bridge G C O praise the one who paid my debt Am C And raised this life up…